ich habe die FSE downzeit mal genutzt und ein kleines script für 64bit Ubuntu users (linux xplaner) geschrieben.
was ist FSE? FSE ist eine wirtschaftssimulation für x-plane. man kann sich hier http://www.fseforums.com/ anmelden und bekommt in diesem forum seine zugangsdaten für FSE.
danach kann man mein script hier ausführen und los gehts.
was macht das script? beim ersten start installiert es python2.6 minimal, sowohl als 32 und 64bit version, installiert PythonInterface und den FSE-Client direkt in den x-plane plugins ordner.
danach und bei allen weiteren starts, kann man sich nun aussuchen ob man 32bit oder 64bit haben will. man kann jetzt also hin und her switchen wie man bock hat. hat man gar keinen bock mehr, löscht man einfach das logfile, welches dieses script produziert, antwortet auf alle fragen mit "n" und alles was installiert wurde, ist auch wieder gelöscht.
für wen ist das script? für alle linuxer, die sofort mit xplane und FSE loslegen wollen, ohne lust zu haben sich mit PythonInterface, X-Economy und co. rumzuschlagen und per start zwischen der 32 oder 64 bit version von x-plane wählen möchten.
wenn demnächst weitere x-plane plugins als 64bit version (bisher gibt es keine weiteren?) folgen, baue ich diese hier mit ein und aktualisiere das script.
wie funktioniert es?: copy/ paste, als x-plane.sh abspeichern, settings anpassen, ausführbar machen und ab geht die post!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 | #!/bin/sh #python-switch 0.1alpha 32/64bit for x-plane 32/64bit Copyright (c) 2012 Sven Greffenius (zeroc) # #you get the python2.6_i386 binary files here: https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes/+packages #the pythoninterface for linux 32/64bit comby-package you can download here: http://www.xpluginsdk.org/downloads/latest/Python26/PythonInterface.zip # #this script is working with Ubuntu 12.4/ 12.10(64bit) & X-Plane above 10.20b1 # #you need superuser permissions and an internet connection! #for complete deinstallation or reinstallation, delet the "x-plane_startscript.log" and answer all questions with no! ####settings#### #set path to X-Plane Main-Directory example=/home/<username>/X-Plane xplane="/home/zeroc/X-Plane" #set path for needed binary python2.6 32bit-files example=$xplane/Python2.6-Files pyth="$xplane/04_Python2.6_i368" #set logfile for example= $xplane/x-plane_startscript.log logd="/home/zeroc/bin/x-plane_startscript.log" #download-settings for python2.6_i386 & pythoninterface 32/64bit comby-package & X-economy client d1=https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes/+files/libpython2.6_2.6.8-2%2Bquantal1_i386.deb d2=https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes/+files/python2.6-minimal_2.6.8-2%2Bquantal1_i386.deb d3=https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes/+files/python2.6_2.6.8-2%2Bquantal1_i386.deb d4=http://www.xpluginsdk.org/downloads/latest/Python26/PythonInterface.zip d5=http://x-plane.hu/x-economy/PI_xfse.py ####end settings#### #do not change this lines, if you don't know how to echo echo "$(tput setab 2)X-Plane configuration for 32/64bit script-support...$(tput sgr0)" notify-send X-Plane " is starting up..." if [ ! -e "$logd" ]; then echo first time start...; ftime=1; echo "cleanup and removing any files from pre-installations..."; rm -rf $pyth; rm -rf $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/; rm -rf $xplane/Resources/plugins/*ython*face/; echo " "; echo "reinstalling python2.6_64bit files. if you don't need anymore use: sudo apt-get purge python2.6 python2.6-minimal libpython2.6";sleep 15s; sudo apt-get --reinstall install python2.6 python2.6-minimal libpython2.6 | tee $logd; echo " "; echo "done"; else ftime=0 fi if [ "$ftime" != "0" ]; then echo " "; echo downloading and extracting python2.6_i386 [4,8MB] into your X-Plane maindirectory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; date > $logfirst; echo " " >> $logfirst; echo; rm -rf *ython*deb* | tee >> $logfirst; wget $d1 $d2 $d3 | tee >> $logfirst mkdir temp | tee >> $logfirst; ar -x libpython2.6* data.tar.gz; mv data.tar.gz temp/; cd temp/; tar xfz data.tar.gz; rm data.tar.gz; cd ..; ar -x python2.6_* data.tar.gz; mv data.tar.gz temp/; cd temp/; tar xfz data.tar.gz; rm data.tar.gz; cd ..; ar -x python2.6-* data.tar.gz; mv data.tar.gz temp/; cd temp/; tar xfz data.tar.gz; rm data.tar.gz; mkdir $pyth | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v usr/lib/* $pyth/ | tee >> $logfirst; cd ..; rm -rf *ython*deb* | tee >> $logfirst; rm -rf temp/ | tee >> $logfirst; echo "downloading and extracting python2.6_i386 done.." | tee >> $logfirst; echo " "; echo "copy also python2.6_64bit version to $pyth"; sudo cp -v /var/cache/apt/archives/*python2.6*amd64.deb $pyth/ | tee >> $logfirst; echo "done"; echo " "; echo downloading and extracting PythonInterface 32/64bit [2,1MB] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo " " >> $logfirst; wget $d4 | tee >> $logfirst; unzip *ython*face*.zip | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v *ython*face/ $xplane/Resources/plugins/ | tee >> $logfirst; rm *ython*face*.zip | tee >> $logfirst; echo; echo "done"; echo " "; echo downloading and extracting X-Economy Client [34,7kb] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; wget $d5 | tee >> $logfirst; mkdir $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v PI_xfse.py $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; xini="$xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/x-economy.ini"; echo insert your FSE username; read username; echo $username > $xini; echo " "; echo insert your FSE password; read password; echo $password >> $xini; echo; echo "done" | tee >> $logfirst; else ftime=1 fi else ftime=1; echo; echo downloading and extracting X-Economy Client [34,7kb] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; date > $logfirst; wget $d5 | tee >> $logfirst; mkdir $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v PI_xfse.py $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; xini="$xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/x-economy.ini"; echo insert your FSE username; read username; echo $username > $xini; echo " "; echo insert your FSE password; read password; echo $password >> $xini; echo; echo "done" | tee >> $logfirst; else ftime=0 fi fi else ftime=1; echo; echo downloading and extracting PythonInterface 32/64bit [2,1MB] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; date > $logfirst; echo " " >> $logfirst; wget $d4 | tee >> $logfirst; unzip *ython*face*.zip | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v *ython*face/ $xplane/Resources/plugins/ | tee >> $logfirst; rm *ython*face*.zip | tee >> $logfirst; echo; echo "done" echo " ";echo downloading and extracting X-Economy Client [34,7kb] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; wget $d5 | tee >> $logfirst; mkdir $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v PI_xfse.py $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; xini="$xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/x-economy.ini"; echo insert your FSE username; read username; echo $username > $xini; echo " "; echo insert your FSE password; read password; echo $password >> $xini; echo; echo "done" | tee >> $logfirst; else ftime=1 fi else ftime=1; echo; echo downloading and extracting X-Economy Client [34,7kb] into your X-Plane plugin-directory? y/n read answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ] then logfirst="x-plane_startscript_firsttimesetup_$(date +%y-%m-%d).log" echo; date > $logfirst; wget $d5 | tee >> $logfirst; mkdir $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; mv -v PI_xfse.py $xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/ | tee >> $logfirst; xini="$xplane/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts/x-economy.ini"; echo insert your FSE username; read username; echo $username > $xini; echo " "; echo insert your FSE password; read password; echo $password >> $xini; echo; echo "done" | tee >> $logfirst; else ftime=1 fi fi fi fi echo echo " " > $logd; date >> $logd; echo " " >> $logd echo echo You will run X-Plane with [1]32bit oder [2]64bit mode? echo read answer if [ "$answer" = "1" ] # dirty copy to python2.6 32bit then sudo cp -vR $pyth/* /usr/lib/ | tee >> $logd echo $xplane/X-Plane-i386 & echo " " >> $logd; echo "32bit done..." >> $logd else echo # switching back to original ubuntu python2.6 64bit sudo dpkg -i $pyth/*amd64.deb | tee $logd echo $xplane/X-Plane-x86_64 & echo " " >> $logd; echo "64bit done..." >> $logd fi echo echo "$(tput setab 2)END$(tput sgr0)" echo notify-send Script "Have a good flight and kiss the soil when you land..." exit 0 |
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Eher ein Projekt als eine Frage zu Spielen. Daher verschoben.