Was versteht Ubuntu unter »grab a key«? Verstehen sogar verschiedene Ubunteros darunter Verschiedenes?
1.) In pan2 heißt "> Grab Key " auf Deutsch "Tastencode holen". Was bedeutet »Tastencode holen« auf Deutsch?
2. Synaptic zum Paket »libjxgrabkey-ini«: "> JXGrabKey provides an API to make java programs hotkey aware. "
3. http://wiki.freepascal.org/IDE_Window:_Editor_Options/de: "> IDE Window: Editor Options/de: Tastaturbelegung: Tastenkombination suchen: Click on the button to show a dialog. Grab a key and press ok. The tree will then only show those keys that start with the shortcut. "
4. http://linux.die.net/man/3/__xgrabkey__: "> xgrabkey(3) - Linux man page: Description: The XGrabKey function establishes a passive grab on the keyboard. ... Diagnostics: BadAccess: A client attempted to grab a key/button combination already grabbed by another client. "
5. https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/735500: "> We later discovered that this was because the Alt+F1 combination was already grabbed by metacity. Trying to grab a key combination that is already grabbed normally results in a BadAccess X error, but this error was swallowed by the error handler set up in Unity2dPlugin::initializeEngine(…). "
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