lxsession-default-apps Absturz Speicherabzug geschrieben

Status: Gelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Server 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo)
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DJKUhpisse Team-Icon

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18. Oktober 2016

Beiträge: 16818

Hallo, ich kann die Applikation leider nicht mehr starten, ich will da drüber die Autostarts konfigurieren. Diese funktionieren auch nicht mehr.

m@ryz:~$ lxsession-default-apps 
** Message: 07:02:08.728: main.vala:592: log directory: /home/m/.cache/lxsession-default-apps
** Message: 07:02:08.728: main.vala:593: log path: /home/m/.cache/lxsession-default-apps/run.log
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
m@ryz:~$ ls -l  /home/m/.cache/lxsession-default-apps
insgesamt 8
-rw------- 1 m m 4412 Mai  9 07:02 run.log
m@ryz:~$ cat  /home/m/.cache/lxsession-default-apps/run.log 
** Message: 07:02:08.777: utils.vala:30: config_path_directory: /home/m/.config/lxsession-default-apps
** Message: 07:02:08.832: desktop-files-backend.vala:171: test config_path: /home/m/.config/lxsession-default-apps/settings.conf
** Message: 07:02:08.832: desktop-files-backend.vala:237: Scanning folder: /usr/share/applications
** Message: 07:02:08.833: desktop-files-backend.vala:287: Start scanning

** Message: 07:02:08.839: desktop-files-backend.vala:265: /usr/share/app-install/desktop doesn't exist. Pass
** Message: 07:02:08.839: desktop-files-backend.vala:209: Signal finish scanning available with mode: write

(lxsession-default-apps:3353): Gtk-WARNING **: 07:02:09.245: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkVBox to a container of type LDefaultAppsMainWindows, but the widget is already inside a container of type GtkWindow, the GTK+ FAQ at explains how to reparent a widget.
** Message: 07:02:09.267: autostart.vala:72: Conf file for autostart: /home/m/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:72: Conf file for autostart: /home/m/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:72: Conf file for autostart: /home/m/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:87: Autostart conf file : /home/m/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : @lxpanel --profile LXDE
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : @pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : @xscreensaver -no-splash
** Message: 07:02:09.268: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : palemoon
** Message: 07:02:09.269: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : claws-mail
** Message: 07:02:09.269: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : telegram-desktop
** Message: 07:02:09.269: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : transmission-gtk
** Message: 07:02:09.269: autostart.vala:100: Autostart line : amule

(lxsession-default-apps:3353): Gtk-WARNING **: 07:02:09.269: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkVBox to a container of type GtkAlignment, but the widget is already inside a container of type GtkAlignment, the GTK+ FAQ at explains how to reparent a widget.
** Message: 07:02:09.272: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.273: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.276: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.276: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.277: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.277: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.278: combobox.vala:443: Default = lxterminal
** Message: 07:02:09.278: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 1
** Message: 07:02:09.279: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.279: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.280: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.280: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.282: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.282: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.283: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.283: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.284: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.284: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.285: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.285: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.286: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.286: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.287: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.287: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.288: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.289: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.289: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.289: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.290: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.290: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.291: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.291: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.293: combobox.vala:443: Default = 
** Message: 07:02:09.293: combobox.vala:503: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.298: combobox.vala:728: Default = no
** Message: 07:02:09.298: combobox.vala:765: Iter == 0
** Message: 07:02:09.298: combobox.vala:684:  Return value for no

Im Livesystem in der VM das Gleiche. Ich bin da mit meinem Latein am Ende.

LG DJKuhpisse

EDIT: Aus mir derzeit unbekannten Gründen gibt es da Problem nicht mehr auf mehreren Rechner, war wohl ein Bug, evtl. in einem anderen Paket.

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