[Feature] "DocBook-Export-Warenkorb" für Wiki Artikel?

Status: Ungelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Nicht spezifiziert
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Avatar von wren

24. Juni 2007

Beiträge: 749


wäre es technisch möglich in Inyoka eine Art "Warenkorb"-Funktion für "Wiki-Artikel-DocBook-Exporte" einzubauen? Der Warenkorb könnte dann vielleicht als *.Zip Ball heruntergeladen werden. Als Alternative zum Desktop-Wiki.

Als DocBook Editor mit einer CSS "GUI" bietet sich u.a. der XMLmindEditor (Personal Edition) an.

Für FOSS Projekte darf der XMLmindEditor auch professionell genutzt werden:

The Software may be installed on any host machine belonging to Licensee, as well as any host machine assigned to Licensee within an organization.

Licensee may use the Software to create and modify documents that are Licensee's sole property, i.e. documents whose intellectual property rights are owned by Licensee. Licensee may not use the Software to create or modify documents that are not Licensee's sole property, except in the following conditions:

* Licensee may use the Software to create and modify documents in relation to an Open Source software project as defined by the Open Source Initiative ( Open in a new window).
Licensee may use the Software to create and modify documents released by Licensee in the public domain or under a free license similar to the Creative Commons licenses ( Open in a new window).
* Within a non-profit organization Licensee may use the Software to create and modify documents that belong to this organization.
* Within an educational institution Licensee may use the Software as a teaching tool within the framework of lectures given by Licensee.


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