Automatisches Einbinden der Icybox klappt nicht

Status: Ungelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
Antworten |


30. Januar 2020

Beiträge: 10


ich möchte, dass meine ICYBOX automatisch nach /mnt/icy gemountet wird, sobald ich sie an meinem Server anschließe.

Ich hab die Dateu 80-icybox.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d erstellt mit folgendem Inhalt:

RUN+="/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy"

Die UUID ist die, welche mir mit sudo blkid für die ICY-Box ausgegeben wird, Auszug:

/dev/sdc1: UUID="4cde1f2e-fcab-ffcc-9034-179356deeb88" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="5cdc5d6a-01"
/dev/sdg: LABEL="icybox" UUID="b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37" TYPE="ext4"

Manuel einbinden mit dem mount-Befehl klappt.

Mit sudo systemctl reload udev hab ich den udev-Dienst neu geladen, dann die ICYBOX eingesteckt. Die wird aber nicht automatisch eingehängt, wie ich es erwartet hätte.

Im Fehlerlog sind folgende Meldungen:

Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11732]: skbuff_head_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11750]: anon_vma(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11738]: kmalloc-4k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11737]: proc_inode_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11728]: inode_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11755]: task_delay_info(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11749]: anon_vma_chain(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Succeeded.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11727]: dentry(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11747]: mm_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11733]: kmalloc-512(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11750]: files_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11751]: kmalloc-192(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11729]: pid(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11754]: task_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11726]: filp(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11736]: kmalloc-64(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11738]: signal_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11755]: kmalloc-96(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11730]: sock_inode_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11731]: PING(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11737]: pde_opener(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11732]: sighand_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11734]: cred_jar(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11728]: kmalloc-2k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11749]: kmalloc-32(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11748]: vm_area_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11752]: kmalloc-1k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11755]: PING(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11736]: kmalloc-4k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11751]: sock_inode_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11754]: task_delay_info(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11749]: pde_opener(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11748]: vm_area_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11733]: signal_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11747]: anon_vma(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11726]: pid(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11738]: mm_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11732]: kmalloc-2k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11730]: skbuff_head_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11728]: filp(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11729]: anon_vma_chain(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11752]: kmalloc-1k(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11727]: files_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11751]: kmalloc-96(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11749]: kmalloc-32(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11731]: inode_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11754]: kmalloc-64(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11736]: kmalloc-192(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11755]: kmalloc-512(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11750]: task_struct(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11734]: cred_jar(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:39:37 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11737]: sighand_cache(1489:phpsessionclean.service): Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.510080] usb 1-1.3: new high-speed USB device number 10 using ehci-pci
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.588281] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=152d, idProduct=0569, bcdDevice= 1.06
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.588285] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=5
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.588287] usb 1-1.3: Product: ICY BOX IB-RD3620
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.588288] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: JMicron
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.588290] usb 1-1.3: SerialNumber: 000000002B1C
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.590017] scsi host10: uas
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.591754] scsi 10:0:0:0: Direct-Access     H/W RAID 1                0106 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver kernel: [ 9385.593468] sd 10:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver mtp-probe: checking bus 1, device 10: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3"
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 10 was not an MTP device
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 1-1.3: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 1-1.3:1.0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: host10: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: host10: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 1-1.3:1.0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver mtp-probe: checking bus 1, device 10: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3"
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 10 was not an MTP device
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 1-1.3: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: target10:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 10:0:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11841]: 10:0:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11863]: 10:0:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11861]: 10:0:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:05 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11862]: sg4: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 1.
Oct 24 15:41:18 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.005789] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] 11720916992 512-byte logical blocks: (6.00 TB/5.46 TiB)
Oct 24 15:41:18 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.006282] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off
Oct 24 15:41:18 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.006285] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Mode Sense: 67 00 10 08
Oct 24 15:41:18 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.007154] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
Oct 24 15:41:18 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.007907] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Optimal transfer size 33553920 bytes
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.080653] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI disk
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11871]: sdg: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 32.
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.420561] EXT4-fs (sdg): recovery complete
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver kernel: [ 9399.420566] EXT4-fs (sdg): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver udisksd[704]: Error probing device: Error sending ATA command IDENTIFY DEVICE to '/dev/sdg': Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 70 00 01 00  00 00 00 0a  00 00 00 00  00 1d 00 00    p...............#0120010: 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................#012 (g-io-error-quark, 0)
Oct 24 15:41:19 mediaserver systemd-udevd[11871]: 10:0:0:0: Process '/bin/mount -t ext4 -o defaults UUID=b9419f11-c98a-4e5e-9380-a667db87ee37 /mnt/icy' failed with exit code 32.

Vielleicht noch Ergänzend: In der Icybox sind 2 Platten, die die Box selbst per RAID 1 spiegelt.

Habt ihr ne Idee, was ich falsch mache?

Antworten |