Dualboot - Mehrfachboot - Legacy Bios - Computer

Status: Ungelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Kubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
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25. Januar 2007

Beiträge: 2835

Hallo User,



undine schrieb:

Pointrelease 22.04.1 ISO

Wie kann ich herausfinden, was geändert wurde?

Wo, wie finde ich den richtigen Changelog?

Hallo Users, gibt es eine Antwort?

Nochmals die Lösung für ein Legacy Bios:

To re-enable os-prober, open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, and run sudo nano /etc/default/grub to edit the grub-mkconfig configuration file. You will be asked for a password before the file opens, since you're opening it as a root user. Once the file is open, add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false to the file, press Ctrl+S to save, and Ctrl+X to exit. Finally, run sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to regenerate your GRUB configuration and boot menu, then type exit to leave the root shell. You can now close the terminal, and you should be done!

Änderungen in der /etc/default/grub

To re-enable os-prober, open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, and run 

sudo nano /etc/default/grub  ### to edit the grub-mkconfig configuration file. 

GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false ### add this line

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Multiboot Grub2 Kubuntu 22.04




undine schrieb:

Das sagt Archlinxu dazu:


3.1.2 Detecting other operating systems

To have grub-mkconfig search for other installed systems and automatically add them to the menu, install the os-prober package and mount the partitions from which the other systems boot. Then re-run grub-mkconfig. If you get the following output: Warning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions then edit /etc/default/grub and add/uncomment:


Then try again. Note:

The exact mount point does not matter, os-prober reads the mtab to identify places to search for bootable entries. Remember to mount the partitions each time you run grub-mkconfig in order to include the other operating systems every time.

Tip: You might also want GRUB to remember the last chosen boot entry, see /Tips and tricks#Recall previous entry .

Alte Frage: Wie bekomme ich es hin, damit immer das zuletzt gebootete OS beim Neustart oder Reboot gestartet wird?

Diese Frage jetzt somit beantwortet.

Was gibt es ansonsten zu beachten?



Moderiert von ChickenLipsRfun2eat:

Thema in einen passenden Forenbereich verschoben. Bitte beachte die als wichtig markierten Themen („Welche Themen gehören hier her und welche nicht?“) in jedem Forenbereich. Danke.

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