This is an unfortunate situation. There is a non-trivial number of users with 845 and 855 chips who are impacted by a regressions in stability in the current x stack when running 3d and KMS.
We have opted for a "stability first" approach for these users. We will disable 3D and KMS for these chips in Lucid final release. This will have the unfortunate effect of disabling compiz. This will introduce a functional regression. So we will be sacrificing functionality for these users in favor of stability. This is a painful choice to make, but we feel that stability must trump functionality when we are forced to make such choices.
We will be pursuing functional fixes. However, we will do this outside the main release, for example in a PPA. If we are able to provide a fix that delivers stability and functionality, we will consider this a potential SRU in 10.04.1.
https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/511001 ←–––-
Das heißt: Anwender mit 845 und 855 grafische Chipsets sind zurück im vorigen Jahrhundert !
Der xserver-xorg-video-intel treiber für diese Chipsets funktioniert nun schon seit Ewigkeiten einwandfrei, in alle mögliche Linux Distros auch in Karmic und tuti quanti, aber nicht in mehr Lucid.
Aber es gibt Abhilfe ausserhalb von Canonical. Was Canonical nicht schaft schaffen andere devs wohl: http://joeb454.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1453847